Would I be a good Candidate for a Chin Implant? (pics below)


I am having a rivision rhinoplasty done. During the consultaion the doctor suggested a chin augmentation and implant.

· He said it will help balance out my long face – and help make it fit the ‘golden ratio’.

· He would preform it on the inside of my mouth.

· He said these are commonly done with nose jobs.

· He said he would use a CEAC Large or Extra Large. The size will be determined in surgery.


· Chin Augmentation $4,188.48 US

· Chin Implant: $523.56 US

Looking at the pictures that were done in the office, I feel the chin augmentation morph looks great. But when I went home and took my own pictures (the ones in the first row, I tried to get a good variety), I do not see my chin being as weak or recessed as it is on the doctor’s computer screen (bottom row). The angle of my head is also slighting down in his picture.


Do you guys think I need this done?

My fears:

That the chin implant will look to boxy or overly masculine or like a witch. I am a slim person with more soft-ish? features, I do not want my chin to look super out of place.

I love what he is going to do with my nose, and I want to trust my doctor, I am just not 100% sure on the chin part…

Any help or advice is great.

P.S. I know my hair is a mess and I do have bad posture where I push my head forward (looking at computers all day) I am working to fix that too.

/r/PlasticSurgery Thread