Louis C.K. Crossed a Line Into Sexual Misconduct, 5 Women Say

Right. It didn't actually say they said no and he did it anyway. The case where someone did say no he clearly didn't go thru with it, and she ended up telling the producer.

I think it's weird and slimy, but I can see why, if that's his kink and he thought the consented, he would think it's okay.

I mean, it clearly wasn't since the women seem traumatized. But I can see how he wouldn't know what to do or say after it happened to try to rectify the situation. He probably felt so much shame and embarrassment that he hoped ignoring the situation would make it go away

I can also see why he might try to use comedy to admit his flaws. It probably felt like an admission. He probably felt like by making fun of himself that way a way he could make the situation better. He just sort of left out the parts where he was masturbating in front of people who didn't want to be masturbated in front of.

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