Louisville senator pre-files bill to legalize cultivation, possession and sale of marijuana

Really? If never really associated it with religion. Hell some religions even talk about smoking drugs. I think it's more of just misinformation still steaming from those propaganda years. You can be religious all you want but if you can't tell the different in pot and hemp then you just have loads of misinformation about weed. William Randolph Hearst had such great shares in the lumber industries he smeared hemp as a deadly drug like weed. This was to protect his pockets and news paper fortune. But now countless studies have been done (even by schools like UofK back in early 2000.) the fact is hemp can be used for over 25,000 different products. From building homes to using hemp as fuel in cars. But yet we consider it the same as pot. But some more facts. Hemp can't get you high. You could smoke a dump truck full of hemp and you will only have a headache from all that smoke you are taking it. Police love to say they can't tell a difference from the sky so it will only give a cover to growers. For starters hemp grows like bamboo whereas weed grows like tomatoes. So from a helicopter one would have light shinning through whereas a hemp field would have no sunlight shinning through because it's so thick. But what is even dumber is that hemp gives off herbicides and pesticides that make it near impossible to grow pot anywhere near hemp. Therefore growing hemp actually eliminates that environment from growing pot. UofK mad a study claiming if we took those police choppers and started chucking hemp seeds out of them over the east lower river valleys (where a lot of Kentucky pot is found) then we would eliminate that whole area for growers.

So it's not only bible thumpers it's police, and average citizens who also have very false understanding of what weed is. When cops don't even understand that hemp is different than weed than society itself is clearly gonna have misinformation regarding weed. Granted though people who are prone to believing a guy walked on water most likely are prone to propaganda bullshit. So yeah Christians are against it. But it's not the faith teaching that. It's the media and police manipulating what people view as drugs. It's down right sickening to know we lost American men fighting in the Middle East over oil when in reality if congress wasn't stupid we could be growing our fully down the street from the gas station and only pay 5 cents a gallon because hemp plants are easy to grow. But because of propaganda no one experimented with hemp fuel until we were already destine for oil. If you think back on history if we didn't have such a false understanding of hemp then we would have hemp running our cars and we would have never of went to the Middle East in desert storm, which would have meant 9/11 wouldn't have happen, which means the conflicts we are having no in the Middle East wouldn't have happen. But instead because of greed and misinformation we are at war. And even the war is another prime example of American people not understanding what is really happening. America didn't even comprehend we invaded the wrong country and started going after the wrong guy. Busy even knew where bin laden was but instead went to a different country only for oil and no one in America even understood we are in the wrong country. So no matter what misinformation if going to be out there.

The only reason I don't support the idea that it is Christians hating on weed is because of the doc Hempsters. It's filmed right here in Kentucky. Woody Harrelson comes to Kentucky to talk about the farmers who are closing farms left and right with Tobacco dying out. Woody, the guy from cheers, also plants a hemp seed right in front of a cop and gets arrested in some small town in Kentucky. But what struck me most was that most these farmers interviewed were religious, conservative, good old boys, who didn't know much other than farm life. Which isn't s bad thing you would just assume the would be against growing drugs. But hope. Literally all these Kentucky farmers have been for decades trying to get Kentucky to at the very least export things like hemp (considered a drug until recently) or pot. We have the perfect environment for it and our farmers need to income. Even though hemp can be used in 25,000 different products most times these products come down from Canada where they can use hemp to make things. If our conservative farmers want pot then I'm guessing it's only police who are holding it back and Kentucky is the type of state to support cops over the people. So I don't see this going anywhere until the misinformation is addressed.

I am on a cell phone sorry for whatever autocorrect messed up.

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