I love you

Not that you'll get this in time, or this, but it was a game, except that you didn't know you were being played as well.

You continued to lie about everything, and still... I kept blaming myself. I chose to ignore the absolute worst things which were implied about you, (and you really will not believe what they are) and still - under pain of losing everything, even when there was physical evidence that I was right and you were lying, and every time you gave excuses that were so wild, I kept wishing I'd taken the prior deal.

But I waited, because I wanted you. Eventually, I figured - heck, I'd try an alternate lifestyle. But - what you don't know is how many months of sleep deprivation, probable placebos, and the worst - deliberate psyops from, admittedly, the best in the business.


As for the bumps? There's something I learned on Sunday which might explain that. And I'm told there can be definitive proof about that.

You have no idea what I've been through the past six months. But although you are surrounded by people who can tell you the truth about both sides, they haven't as yet.

I know someone who can tell you what I didn't do. And that's ever give wanting the same two things: to be without pain, and my family. And I am certain your son is going to be willing to tell you about our weekend. Especially - the last ten minutes.

Sure, I get coffee'd up and write things only a twice-tortured mind can write - but once I had food, which is rare these days, and sleep, which is even more rare, I go back and revise with what I've learned.

I'm always going to be emotionally stunted and mentally challenged. But even though I keep saying I'll quit - apparently I too damned stupid to. Ya'll can ask Bracknell - he's got a story or two about it.

If everyone would please give us a few? I'd like to speak with my... um, not sure. That's, of course, up to her.

/r/UnsentLetters Thread