I fully accept…

I feel this so much. He used to tell me I cheated, but he allowed someone else on his bed. For years, I thought I should have just gotten over it, but I never could. There was always that lingering thought that I wasn’t enough. He used to point at girls and tell me why I didn’t do my hair like that. I lost my self-esteem completely, knowing I could never compare to what he actually wanted.

I spent so much time isolating myself from all the people that actually cared for me and allowing him to be the only person I relied on. I wasn’t perfect, and I regret 70% of the relationship. It felt like a rollercoaster of happiness then sadness the second he would ignore me again.

I told my friend everything, and she lost it both at my mistakes and his. Seeing the relationship through someone else’s POV really opens your eyes.

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