Love Fest Friday!

My boyfriend and I met on League of Legends. We met in December of 2012 and were fast friends. I had always had a little crush on him, but I would never let him know... or so I thought. But for the time being, I kept my mouth shut because he was chasing after some other girl that was part of our gaming group. Turns out, she was just leading him on and only wanted the attention from him. Shitty, I know. Once he figured that out, he obviously was pretty broken up about it, so I was going to be his friend and listen to him if he ever needed to talk. That's when my feelings started to get a little stronger, but I was only his best friend and he was mine. Sooner or later, my loneliness started getting the best of me, and I started dating this guy that I had talked to for only a short time, all while still having feelings for my best friend. But, I was an idiot. And things were moving way too quickly. After a month, this guy started telling me that he loved me, wanted to settle down with me, and start a family. I don't want kids, I never have, and I let him know that from the get go. He always said I would change my mind when our relationship progressed more. This made me so stressed out, and I talked to my best friend about the whole thing. He had admitted that he was jealous that this guy was stealing all my attention. And that's what pushed me over the edge. I started distancing myself from my then boyfriend, and soon after, I broke it off with him. So, my best friend and I started talking more and more, and decided to give this whole long distance thing a shot. That was a little over two years ago, and come August, I am packing up all my things and moving in with him. I am so excited for this new adventure and to start our journey living in the same state together!

/r/relationships Thread