[MEGATHREAD] Kim Garam's Contract Termination with HYBE/Source Music

I think the crazy part about all of this is none of this would’ve happened if fans had minded their own business. They tried so desperately to prove Garam’s innocence and went to bother someone unrelated to the accusations, doxxed her, threatened physical violence to her to the point where the emotional distress brought her to use legal help. None of the other accusers had such strong evidence, only screenshots that could easily be faked, HYBE could’ve easily sued them into silence and moved on from this.

I still remember back when her innocence was believed bg many, my mutuals on Twitter posted a picture of random Korean girls drinking and saying “oh wow, she ruined an innocent girl’s life and is now enjoying herself drinking while underage ? Disgusting.” They also took pictures of two Korean girls on top of each other “fighting”, to prove that one was Garam and the one on top was the accuser, the real bully. The girls on the picture were both 14 and had to plead multiple fan accounts to take the tweets down because they were being harassed and share on the internet for no reason.

I don’t have anything to say about Garam or the accusers, especially since I don’t know the truth. But the fact that there are still fans saying disgusting things to Yoo Eunseo, saying she was “out to get Garam and got rewarded for it” when the ONLY reason she spoke out was because she attempted suicide and dropped out of school, disgusts me. In fact, I’d say out of everyone involved, those fans are by far the guiltiest. Just saw a hit tweet trying to find out the path from Yoo Eunseo’s school to her home and claiming (with zero evidence) that she sent male friends to beat up Garam. What’s wrong with them?

I wished these people got punished… Garam and the accusers already received so much vitriol for what they did, but these horrible people online get off scot free. That also includes those who made conspiracy theories about Garam and sexually harassed her.

/r/kpopthoughts Thread