Kind of tired trying to set myself on a good track of (health) success. Sometimes I feel like I’m always trying to start over. Tips?

O Me: Not 'positive' as in happy, but more caring for yourself. Like if you came across your best friend being sad about a thing, you'd sit down with them, feel their sadness, talk with them about it; understand, empathize.

Me: Yeah, that's cool and all, but I get sad/angry about a lot of dumb shit everyday, it's easier to just let it go. You can't address everything.

O Me: Definitely, and you can do other things with it too.

Me: Hmm?

O Me: If you got pissed about something stupid, you could make fun of yourself light-heartedly... like you would with your best friend.

Me: I've done a bit of that, it works really well sometimes, but then other times it just doesn't seem to do anything.

O Me: Why not? What happens?

Me: I'll think of something sad and try to do something, but nothing I do seems to work sometimes. Oh shit, this is where that CGP Grey video ties in. Okay so all of my brain makes neural pathways without me choosing each of them, and my right-brain, the emotional side, is operating independently, almost like it's own person.

O Me: Exactly like its own person. And it can tell when the words you're telling yourself are disingenuous, or when you're not really feeling like being kind to yourself...

Me: Or the times when I just want to fucking chill and relax and it won't shut up, I mean come on, do I have to be perfect here?

O Me: No, but just like a best-friend who wouldn't expect you to do anything other than just try to your best and at least give a little effort, or even just calmly explain to yourself that you don't have the energy to address whatever is going on.

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