I love it when people say "But it's your duty to pass on your genes!"

Because if I do date him, chances are I am gonna break him (mentally) and what pisses me off is that he doesn't actually aspire to gain indepdendence (prefers to live off welfare) and then theres his history and all the other stuff which is also a put off.

The breeding part, thats really because I am a person who is not sure whats gonna happen and want to experience a normal stable family life that I missed out on AFTER I obtain the life I want and I do all the cool stuff that life has to offer (hence the whole genetic screening), and currently I will remain childfree, I know that when I obtain the life I want to obtain and do all the cool stuff in it, perhaps I will welcome an awesome dude into my life, date for a few years and then probably have a kid. I predict by then I maybe too old to have kids, but thats okay I really want a stable life and that its not really a loss if I can save my sanity. I also question if I can survive even raising a kid if I do ever because of all the shit thats on the internet (I seriously do not want my kid to suddenly wake up the next day feeling like some sort of gender or racial minority, I have no idea how I am gonna live it down). I'm also planning to adopt a kid who is pre-teen or older because they are at an age where they will understand the wisdom I impart....and the punches I land on them. Babies and children I seem to have the most distaste for and preganancy is a one-sided beneficial thing for the living parasite in the uterus.

I am really on this thread to laugh and mock dumbass jackass parents and the stupidities of "isn't that cute? My kid just shit in my coffee" while making a goddamn promise that if I ever get kid, I am so shame them or gonna whack their hand in public as discipline whether this goddamn bubble wrapped society likes it or not.

Hey I just realised I have 4 downvotes, did people really make an assumption that I was an irresponsible breeder who loves babies and children and see them as a social accessory? Or did people just really hate how I am being completely honest about the type of guy I can tolerate?

/r/childfree Thread Parent