Lump sum vs dollar cost average investing right now

I'm facing the same dilemma but with a very substantial amount. I think a significant market correction is looming. But, what do I know. It may or may not happen before the US elections or not for months or years from now. No one really knows. The risk of losing on the highs is as bad or worse than avoiding the lows. The longer I wait in the sidelines, the worse it gets. I need a plan and I need to stick to that plan.

September is historically the worst month for the stock market. So I'm closely monitoring the market. The best I can do is to diversify and hold some cash reserves (to take advantage of a fire sale in the event of a crash). I would have to determine what my tolerance level is for volatility.

Would I be okay with a 25% correction after I lump-sum a 7-figure investment? Or, would I sleep better at night if I split that into four tranches or some other DCA schedule over a period of time? Any thoughts?


/r/StockMarket Thread