GameStop ($GME) and AMC bigger than the VolksWagen Squeeze ($VW)? w/ @Trey's Trades

Retailers are the ones getting raped by the hedge funds with these meme stocks.

Melvin Capital lost 16 billion

The hedgefunds are losing millions on GME and AMC everyday.

You really think a bunch of 18 yr olds who couldn't even tell me what a bond is can really outplay the guys who made the damn rules of the market? And who have billions at their disposal?

You're a real pompous ass. Which hedgefund do you work for?

Of course there are a few who make profit who can get in and out quick enough - or who bought early and held.

Yep a few million people that made a few hundred thousand dollars each off of you wise and all powerful hedgefund managers.

But let's be serious, the hedge funds are burning you guys again and again.

I and many others are up 2800% or more how about you hedgie?

Time to wake up from this massive pump and dump.

This isn't a pump and dump we just like the stocks.

Now you're take care shill.

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