I’m a Former US Gov Official - Hear Me Out on Report

First off,, let me thank you for your service, as well as your contribution to the UFO/UAP community with this post. If I may ask you an honest question. Coverage of the release of this report has been relatively light in the mainstream media circuits as far as I've seen. You say the "the cat is out of the bag". What makes you think that the general public will take enough interest in this release to warrant a press conference in the future? The only reason I ask, is because in the past,, various "bombshells" (irrelevant to the UFO community) have been released to the public with the idea that the information revealed within these documents would lead to some ground breaking discoveries, which would subsequently catalyze potential changes to the status quo regarding how people would view the billionaire class, the means by which the actions of working class would take against them in protest, along with the idea that furthering financial accountability through legislation for the ultra-wealthy. I'm talking about the release of the breakthrough Panama and Paradise papers. This should have been front news, but as it turns out, they both ended up fading into obscurity. What makes you believe that the MSM and the general public at large will have large enough public interest in the release of the DoD's UAP Report, that it would warrant a "press conference" in the next two years? What makes you say, with such confidence, that the USGOV would even release a press conference in the coming years? I will admit that I haven't read the report in it's entirety yet, but from what I'm hearing, it sounds as if the DoD is being very tactical about how they convey to the public about potential flaws in their airspace, allowing foreign, unidentified objects, transgress their airspace. I guess my question is, would there be enough support to warrant a press conference in the future, and if so, why in two years?

/r/UFOs Thread