I’m freaking out

Touch each finger on your hand to your thumb, one by one, in sequence from your pointer finger to your pinky.

Now, try to do this on both hands at the same time, and try to touch the same finger to your thumb at the same time on both hands.

This tests that both sides of your brain are working properly, both separately and together.

Now, look in the mirror.

Smile. Does your face look symmetrical?

Close one eye and then the other. Can you manage it on both sides?

Stick out your tongue.

These tests that your motor functions are not impaired and that your face is maintaining symmetry.

Lastly, look in the mirror at your pupils. Are they even?

Cover one eye with your hand and then remove it quickly. Does your pupil react to the light and contract or expand?

Repeat this test with the other eye.

Ideally, your pupils should be equal and photo reactive. This means they grow or shrink in the light.

This test can be used to rule out brain damage such as a stroke or concussion.

If you are still worried, walk for 10 steps on your tip toes, and then 10 steps on your heels.

Was it very difficult? Could you manage a straight line?

This is another test to see cognitive function and to test your overall motor skills.

Stay safe, and if you feel you are in immediate danger, always call 911 asap.

If you ever are suffering from a stroke, time is essential to saving your life and cognitive functions.

Every second counts.

/r/weed Thread