I’m quitting my job and moving to Africa in 25 days.

Are you fucking insane?

Have you ever traveled to Morocco, or even know about their cultural and values?

I was looking over my shoulder every fucking second in that hell hole. My SO was in literal fucking danger, the amount of cat calling, sexism, cars following us, etc. If I wasn’t with her, I’m sure she would have been raped and vanished by now

Are you aware that this is a backwards country? This isn’t Costa Rica or some Western European country, this is not a place where you can just “fuck off to Africa for a little bit”

The amount of support and encouragement in this comment sections is appalling. Do yourself a favor and read through women’s experiences in r/solotravel

Of course you’ll probably disregard this advice, as you’ve somehow already deluded yourself into thinking it’s a good idea for a young western women to fuck off to Africa with no plan. Fucking moron. You give millennials a bad name.

/r/antiwork Thread