MA- I rented an apartment with an ad that states "rent included heat/hot-water" for Sept. 1st. After signing lease the story changed

Why did you comment?

What was the purpose of your comment? How are you serving the purpose of a comment where resolution was found, thank you's were passed around, and where I basically said I'm not interested in your type of comment?

" a recorded statement of your landlord saying that your heat shouldn't go above a certain amount will give you protectio"

Have you not read any of the comment thread? I've said on multiple occasions I get this is just some anecdote to exaggerate the information he was trying to relay. That the landlord had originally had a single line system and has since split into 6 parts, thus his intention to pass through the idea that my heat shouldn't go over that amount

"you were being obstinate and trying to find someone who would agree with you instead of taking the general consensus at face value"

So I've admitted I was ignorant on this subject, I admitted that I made mistakes, and I thanked with sincere appreciation the people who helped me out leaving the saying "Live and learn" multiple times. yet you somehow are still drawing this conclusion in my opinion to be pestering.

What I'm trying to conclude, is that you're a fucking asshole haha. You're seriously just a straight dickhead -__-' I had reservations on posting to reddit because of my experience seeing how people behave in comments, but I got 95% positive comments or constructive, but you are the epitome of everything people who don't regularly reddit hate. Just people who are assholes and think they are smarter than everyone else because they like to type on the internet.

"ALL of these things taken together just sounds like you are ripe for the picking to get fucked over again"

I was homeless at 15, worked a full-time job detailing cars to support myself living in attics in Florida, graduated near top of my class in high school, worked full-time in my undergrad for the same firm who gave me a free 2BR apartment for my role, I graduated near top percentile again, finished a program that is ranked 12th globally in economics, and at 23 got a job starting at over $72,000.

I don't need some anonymous make-up preson calling me ripe or insulting my intelligence for the picking because I overlooked a nuance in a lease contract which has since been corrected.

"I am trying to be as truthful and as polite as possible, even if you don't think I am. I mean, what do I care? I have no stake in this game."

You're not. You're trying to, like someone else I pointed out, satisfy some self-righteous urge to make your point.

lol so,

tl;dr: I was super polite, but now I have to get frank.

Fuck off and I think you're a really huge asshole.

/r/legaladvice Thread Parent