Majority of Americans support progressive policies such as higher minimum wage, free college

As a Canadian I can firmly say, you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about in terms of single payer health care that every other first world country enjoys.

The health care you’re not only not allowed because of private health insurance companies buying the votes of politicians, but you believing this stuff.

I love how the argument (including from politicians) is always “you want the GOVERNMENT to run your health?” (Implying they’d do a shit job). I see Ted Cruz make those statements. Like mother fucker ... you are the government. Are you saying you either suck at your job or will purposely screw me over?

Everyone’s seen all the stats about how poorly the American health care system is run. Especially compared to other first world countries.

And you can still have private hospitals and doctors while having public healthcare. So nice try with the waiting and inability to get needed service etc.

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