A male friend accidentally sent me a porn video that made me sick to my stomach and now I can't stop thinking about it and I feel maybe like I don't want to have sex again.

Idk how old you are, but I'm 28. I don't get why men push for anal. Or for any sex act really. Any pressure destroys trust for what can be.

With my current gf I discovered I have some 'dom' side that I would not have expected to be there.
That came out especially because of the high trust and respect we have for each other. I wouldn't be comfortable being dominant if I wouldn't know someone is comfortable with me and I am able to trust that they will make their boundaries clear, especially because I have a responsibility to care for someone in such a moment.
There are some things that always were off limit, there are some things we tried once and one of us didn't really enjoy, there are some things we enjoy at times, and there are other things we both enjoy almost always.

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