Man Owns DA (good part starts 7:30)

Every time I have refused consent I have been searched anyway, usually with a claim of a drug smell. One or two times have resulted in me being handcuffed and sat on a curb while they ransack my car and find nothing illegal.

I'm all for "not all cops are bad" but most I have dealt with have made my life necessarily difficult for no reason.

Interestingly, the one time I got arrested for something that WAS my fault, everyone involved was pretty chill. Then I got arrested for defending my wife after she was assaulted, she called the cops, they never spoke to me or her and instead the assulter (he was in his 50s so I guess had cred) and arrested me. Tried to challenge the police report and was told it would erase my pretrial agreement and cause it to go to trial. Police report only named me as an assaulter, using actions I absolutely did not take. There were cameras. Building said there weren't, even though they are in plain site and were in fact used by the assaulter prior to the assault.

I can't stand police any more because they have never helped me, only hurt me.

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