Man Steals Girl's Flag and Snaps His Ankle

Although I don’t approve of the guys actions, the context of this is very important to understand why this guy is so angry.

Ottawa has been constantly been occupied by these “protestors” called the truck convoy. They wave the Canadian flags around saying they’re patriots for freedom during covid lockdown.

They’re essentially the MAGA equivalent in Canada.

The first time they came they cut off traffic throughout downtown, built barriers with snow on the streets and a national emergency act had to be called to get these people to leave.

They also spent days occupying downtown and honking horns all throughout the day and night while people were working from home and the people living downtown couldn’t get sleep.

Now every so often they come back during weekends and continuing to harass the locals, with actions such as racist remarks, ripping off peoples face masks etc.

Again don’t approve of his actions but the context really gives an idea of why he’s so angry.

/r/instantkarma Thread Link -