Robber robbed the Wrong store

And look what happens to criminals, one way or an other they’re going to either get punished by the justice or get killed committing their felonies, do you really want to see an innocent people like this clerk going to the death row because he killed a robber ? If you start to kill any criminal because they don’t deserve piety you should be the one going to jail, if you think they don’t have the right to take a life why would you have it ? Death is an irrevocable punishment, by doing so, you’re taking away any chance of repentance or worse, you could be taking away the life of an innocent man, and how can we pretend to be a free democracy when we take away the most important of all rights, the right of life.

It’s also contradictory with the principes of our justice because the role of justice in our society is to be the neutral and impartial arbiter of citizens' behavior. Indeed, its role is to punish acts prohibited by the law and has a duty to protect vulnerable people. Nevertheless, the principle of the death penalty goes against this principle since it is a simple way to take revenge.

“Capital punishment is part of a culture marked by violence, without remedying this scourge.”

Even if don’t agree with me thank you for reading everything and taking time to hear my opinion. There’s maybe also some grammatical errors, English is not my first language.

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