A man who committed alleged hate crimes in western Sydney becomes a hero in India - A 24-year-old Hindu student is in jail awaiting trial for alleged violent assaults against Sikhs which gave him hero status by the far right in India.

I'm not even Hindu to be a Hindu nationalist. Read about him. The dude only "allegedly" committed crimes. There has been no representation for him. All he did in reality was stop a group of mobsters from desecrating the Indian flag in Australia which led to an altercation. That's really it.

Everything in this article is something about making it seem like a conspiracy that Hindus and Indians are out to destroy the world through their ecosystem or something.

There are literal gangs of thugs attacking Asians/Indians/Aboriginals in Australia that will never see prison.

>If I see you espouse this nonsense here, you will be knocked out cold.

Maybe stop talking about stuff you haven't a clue in? r/canconfirmiamindian?

In any case, an Australian talking about Hindu nationalism when Australia treats Aboriginals way worse than anyone anywhere is treated is hypocrisy plain and simple. India isn't going to take advice from Australia of all places in the world.

/r/sydney Thread Parent Link - crikey.com.au