Man Witnesses, Records Officer Shot at Point Blank Range

being that mout tactics are largely built around acting as a unit, yes. my impression of his movements are careless and erratic, especially firing with the weapon to the side but it ended up being a good tactic to provide his own cover fire then peak out the other side of the pillar, his speed and constantly checking his surroundings and using the pillar for concealment and faking out gave him the edge over the officer. its as if his tactics are leaned from a video game/paintball where the fear of mortality arent present. it seems the officers training didnt match this guys tactics, while the officer was going in there offensively to get the guy, he moved too slow (as if cautiously) around the pillar once he lost visual on the guy which fucked him.

i do think someone experienced in mout would have fared better than the officer, i also think they would have had more sound tactics than the suspect. mout moves methodically to mitigate risks, everyone covering for each other, when your on your own, you gotta move a lot faster to account for someone not having your six, it would have been fast moving and far more precise movements than what this guy was doing.

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