Manchester bomber Salman Abedi moments before he detonated his bomb.

My opinion is "Don't hate all Muslims" you fucking cretin.

No one said otherwise, you simpleton. Stop fighting imaginary boogeymen and defending real ones.

I find it ironic that you hate socialism when right wingers like you use more welfare on average than the left.

Oh is this another "fact" like the one you mentioned about Christian terrorism which I showed was a complete and utter lie?

You're the kind of clueless idiot who thinks it's an American right to have billions of dollars while people starve to death in front of your eyes.

It is a right for you to have a billion dollars and not have it taken from you by the government. That's not my opinion, it is a fact that Americans have that right. Sheesh.

You sad greedy assholes care more about letting mr. Buffet buy his 100th Lamborghini than letting some Vietnam War vet have a liveable salary

Keep fighting those strawmen mate. Never said anything like this. I criticized you for for something you actually did: Discouraging criticism of a man who killed kids. Go hit someone with your ANTIFA flag.

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