[Manchild Blues] Patrick Klepek on Yakuza 0 - "I have, at times, covered my eyes because it's unclear whether the game was going to show me a pornographic video..."

"I have, at times, covered my eyes because it's unclear whether the game was going to show me a pornographic video...."

Where to begin...where to begin?

Patrick, you've worked in that industry long enough to know that Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo do not allow Adults Only games to be published on their platforms. It's a strict no-no policy they all have. Hence why when Manhunt 2 was initially rated Adults Only by the ESRB, it was a mad rush for Rockstar to appeal the rating because they could not release the game with an Adults Only rating on the PS2 and Wii.

You should know this, Patrick. You're not a fucking dope...you've covered this industry. You should know this. Therefore, you should know that if Yakuza 0 has an M rating, then it probably has no Porn within to speak off considering Pornographic material would fall under the classification of Adults Only...and since the game was rated Mature by the ESRB and can be bought in stores, well, I think we deduct that there is no porn to be found in this game.

Now, as for the issue of you needing to cover your eyes at the sight of pretty Japanese ladies in Bikinis. I have only one thing to say to you; GROW THE FUCK UP! YOU FUCKING MANCHILD!

Between this and you're "embarrassment" of Cindy from Final Fantasy XV, you sound like a 12 year old school boy who has seen his first pair of boobs and is not sure whether to giggle at the sight of them like a school boy, hide his head in shame, or be aroused.

Which I don't buy for one fucking minute....because I think the truth is simply this. You're a disingenuous fucking hack who is trying to profit off the outrage train. I don't buy for one single stinking moment that what you've written here is fact...I think you're just trying to desperately pander to an audience of Tumblr fucks who eat this shit up like it's Coco Pops for breakfast.

It's a sad statement that you're career is at such a low that you have to manufacture "outrage" to be relevant.

Fuck off, you disingenuous fucking hack!

/r/KotakuInAction Thread Link - i.redd.it