Marcus Aurelius and the Stoics were some of the OG's of MGTOW. Honor, duty, doing your work well for its own sake, and avoiding womanish emotional tendencies. This guy had it figured out nearly 2000 years ago.

You just can't get away from ad hominem attacks on the messenger, so let's do that. You're either an omega, or someone who got shit on hard by a woman. Either way, your butthurt is right on the surface, and your pathetic claim to celibacy is no doubt because of that butthurt. Your terror that someone might stick their dick in the imaginary vagina that you might also be fucking, also shows how much power women have over you still. You have some weirdo old-school conservative BS going on in your thinking regarding the sanctity of relationships. Monogamy was always a fantasy, and the sooner you stop worrying about other dudes dicks, the sooner you actually stop pussy from having power over you. I'm not advocating polyamory, I'm advocating not letting women have the kind of power over you that comes from your concern about her fucking around on you. And just because you claim you're celibate, doesn't mean you don't care if women cheat. You clearly do care, and that's power you are still giving them.

Someone like you can't possibly imagine what it must be like to be as alpha and in-control as someone like Aurelius. Due to the demands of his position, certain animal instincts had to be repressed constantly. So where you would have had your wife executed, throwing the whole empire into turmoil, only to have her replaced by another woman who is just as likely to cheat, Aurelius saw through his little animal ego, and used the situation to his advantage.

Your whole point has been about tearing down a great man. One who had much better control of himself and his emotions than you ever will.

MGTOW is about taking what you want from life (including women if that's your thing), that which you find enjoyable and useful, and being absolutely indifferent to the rest. You are obviously far from indifferent my man, and thus, they still have power over you.

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