Margot Robbie doing her own stunts in Birds of Prey.

HARLEY has no super powers, but he said Margot not Harley. Harley is a fictional character, she can do whatever the guy who created her says she can.


It's called the suspension of disbelief. In the first place, if I was going to analyze her character seriously, I'd point out that she has literally no formal training allowing her to do half the stuff she's shown on screen as doing (black widow from the MCU for example, despite doing what is most likely impossible, AT LEAST has formal training), then there's also the fact that she was recruited into the suicide squad in the previous movie despite just being a woman with a bat when the other members involved an overskilled sharpshooter, reptile monster, guy who can control fire, and a guy who's got some dangerous tools and knows how to use them, to fight a fantasy army and a powerful witch.


Yes it's unrealistic, but it's a comic book action movie, if you're hoping for realism, comic book action movies are not for you. Heck, the hobbit movies and the LotR movies aren't for you either. I saw a dwarf shield surf over molten gold despite the heat being enough to cook him alive, with his fingers over the edge of the shield and by all logic were supposed to melt into nothingness.


I agree with you entirely, my example WAS dumb but it was a dumb example for a dumb point. I shouldn't have to explain the willing suspension of disbelief about comic book movies decades after movies became a popular medium.

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