MarkZ Thoughts on TSM's Ability to Adapt to the Meta

if you had to say who is the best carry on TSM, who would you pick and why? For most, it would be bjerg because his decision making on when to go in, when to get out, when to push his advantage and when not to is VERY consistent and leads to him being able to close out game way more consistently then most other players because he doesnt make as many mistakes. Can MY play yi and get fed and carry? Probably. But would MY be more prone to making mistakes that throw the game compared to a player like bjerg? Most would say yes due to how much experience and credibility bjerg has built up over the years. Thats not disrespecting MY, its simply respecting the fact that bjerg is really fucking good at league and he deserves that recognition.

One of the interesting things about this meta is we see teams not afraid to move there carries to other lanes and positions and play the game completely different. This is kinda similar to Dota 2 were you dont have the role of "midlaner" but instead you might have the role of carry, and that role can be played in many different lanes and positions on the map depending on your strengths of the player and team comp. This means that you put your best player on the champion that you plan on funneling all the gold into and you let them carry as the team supports them. For TSM, that player is bjerg, plane and simple.

Now we dont know for a fact if teams will do this in NA. We did see SKT experiment with this by putting faker bot laner and roam between bot and mid funneling more gold into him. It didnt succeed on there first attempt, but it does show that teams are looking into this style. If this style does catch on, it also creates an enviroment were you might want to mix and match your subs. For example, if you put bjerg in the jungle on yi, would it make more since to sub in TSMs mid lane sub to play a supportive champion then to have MY try to play mid? or will teams put more emphasise on having players be more well rounded and be able to play multiple positions?

There would still be value in having player focus purely on there position of jungler for example, because if you try to expand there champion pool to large, you might end up with having them play champions/positions that they arnt as practiced on as there opponent which might put you at a disadvantage. But theres also value in having well rounded players that dont have to subed out, because you can only have so many subs at international events and i imagine there is a limit to how many times/players you can sub during a game/series as well (not sure on that though)

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