Married SD's with SB's in the same location, how often do you involve in overnight encounters?

We are in the same age range, early 30s. She is the older one. lol

Well because my wife never goes anywhere, except for when she goes back home to see her family a couple times a year (which I usually don't do, because I take care of our dogs and because I am not too keen on her family).

Also, because I don't really travel outside of my area, and when I do for work it is to some very far flung places that are not vacation or touristy spots.

The SGF and I broached the topic in the beginning of our relationship like going for a night or something to one of these nice mountain / rural high end Inn's / B&Bs, but that never matriculated in to reality. And we've kind of just haven't broached that subject again.

NOW, would I? Yes. I could make an excuse, like going to a small business conference or something (which I do attend a few times a year, but all locally). But I haven't thought about it in a bit, and it would take some planning. I'd be down though.

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