Is Marvel losing your interest in movies and television? Why or why not?

I've barely watched any of Phase IV. But that's mostly because I don't want to pay for a Disney + subscription. Honest to Zod, I'd rather just rewatch old shows for free.

What I have actually seen, usually on airplane rides or by walking into my brother's place while it's playing, is a very mixed bag. Eternals? Intensely boring. Sam Raimi Dr. Strange? Actually pretty fun, lots of gruesome imagery and camerawork I enjoyed. Shang Chi? Alright. Nice stuntwork. New Ant-Man? Was pretty bad, and especially frustrating because they have this potentially interesting new character we're not allowed to learn about until later.

If you ask me, they need to stop building up to future events. Make each story more self-contained. You don't need to follow a big saga up with another big saga. Trust me, the comics did a bunch of big cosmic events in the 70s and then went back to doing more small-stakes and personal stuff, people liked it fine.

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