Masked Baltimore Rioters Punctures Firehose

Nobody wants to point out the blatantly obvious problem in black America because the moment they do they are instantly labelled as racist. This fucked up culture glorifies criminality, abhors education and intellectual pursuits as "acting white".

In the United States, acting white is a pejorative term, usually applied to African Americans, which refers to a person's perceived betrayal of their culture by assuming the social expectations of white society. Success in education in particular (depending on one's cultural background) can be seen as a form of "selling out" by being disloyal to one's culture.

It's not the white man who is keeping blacks down. It is black culture that is keeping blacks down. This awful culture leads to a plethora of failures, which they have figured out they can blame on "white people are just racist towards us" even though literally the president of the country is black, instead of honestly reflecting on the miserable state their culture is in.

Some facts about black crime in America:

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