Matt Lucas appreciation thread.

I'm so happy Nardole developed so much over the series. I was terrified when I found out he was returning, as I really disliked him in The Husbands of River Song, and I thought it was some ploy to get younger viewers on board with the show. But it wasn't that at all. Matt Lucas has been superb all series. He's been serious, furious, heartbreaking, hilarious, and an action hero. I really connected with him, and I loved how his relationship with Bill developed. In fact, I think that was one of the really good things about the monk trilogy. The Doctor Falls was such a fitting end to the character. The confrontation with the Doctor over who should die, and Nardole's unwavering loyalty to the Doctor just broke my heart. I've never seen such incredible acting from Matt Lucas. And that final scene, where Nardole is just protecting the small village, saying, "oh, I'll think of something", when it comes to coming up with a plan in the future. It's as if over time, he's learned, and grown with the Doctor. He's protecting them, just as the Doctor looks over and protects the universe. I really thought it was beautiful.

I'm just so glad he got some incredible writing, and character development. Bravo, Matt Lucas. You'll be missed.

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