Maximizing the SMV of Indian males in Western countries

I am white and dated an Indian girl for six years. I was able to note a lot of interesting things about Indian culture. I'd argue that it's Indian's cultural viewpoints that sets their males back far worse than anything else. Indian men are exceptionally beta, being beta is indoctrinated into their male culture. It doesn't matter if you're sikh, hindu, muslim, or whatever, it's all "brown" to the rest of the world. I know you all hate each other but you're just so similar that it's not even worth differentiating between from the perspective of the rest of the world. So when I say "your culture" from now on, don't get defensive thinking I'm describing a muslim when you're a sikh or vise-versa. It's all the fucking same from the perspective of attraction. It's like you how everyone calls a collection of 10+ different races "white people".

Obviously, you should listen to /u/achillesjackson 's points, which will help you assimilate and blend in with the prominent culture around you. Nobody wants to date or hook up with a walking caricature of any race/culture (a FOB as you Indians love to call it), so if you haven't lost the turban, beard, or curry smell yet, that's where you need to start.

The biggest thing you need to change is your mentality. Most Indian women I engaged with were repulsed with Indian men. Those that were more westernized (like my girlfriend), avoided Indian men completely and said they would never date one. Those who still had some ties to the old culture would have a long term Indian boyfriend or husband, who they would cheat on with white guys relentlessly. I saw it happen over and over again, they'd make their Indian boyfriends wait months or years before having sex while they would go to bars and hook up with alpha white guys. Indian women also attempt to slut-shame white women's lifestyles, while engaging in the exact same sexual depravity, it's hilarious.

Indian males act beta in a number of ways:

  • Place far too much of an emphasis on career/money and absolutely no emphasis on status. Whenever I went to family events, that's all Indian guys talked about, it was like a giant penis waving convention. All the uncles would be talking about who's doing what in school and how much everyone makes. They would straight up ask you what you do and then immediately ask how much money you make a year. There is nothing quite as pathetic/insecure as a 50 year old grown ass man trying to compare himself to a recent college graduate. The simple fact that I didn't care or engage them seriously generated massive tingles in the Indian women around me. Women don't give a shit how much you make and their pussies don't get wet just because you have a high status job (doctor is the classic Indian trope). Unless you can take advantage of the status your job title provides, you aren't going to get any women. You know what generates tingles like no other? A strong, confident doctor who walks in the room like he owns it and can speak at great lengths about his passion for saving lives and sewing feet back on babies or some shit. Nobody gives a shit about the quiet Indian doctor who sits in the corner of the room with terrible posture, his eyes fixed on the ground, and has no idea how to talk to people, let alone women.

  • They have no game. If there is one thing you need to focus on as an Indian, it's game, because your culture has not prepared you in the slightest when it comes to talking to women. Watching Indian guys try to game women is hilarious yet terrifying. There are two ends of the spectrum here. Either there are the extremely meek and shy Indians who have no confidence and try to become best friends with girls for 3 years before ever making a move (the classic beta), or you have the overcompensating douche bags who have false-confidence and think hitting on a girl means screaming rap lyrics and pick up lines at her and then calling her a whore when she rejects you and walks away. I have seen a few Indian guys who have been able to be "normal", but they are heavily influenced by western culture and usually have all white friends. Indian guys really aren't at that much as a disadvantage due to their skin color or their aesthetics, it's their fucking awful game which sets them back. Just look at that ugly fuck Roosh V and look at what he's able to do with tight game alone.

  • They have weak frame. Indian males are far too emotional and easy to manipulate by women. I'm not sure when it became socially acceptable for Indian men/boys to just start bawling their eyes out in front of people they hardly know, but I've seen this happen far too many times. Here at TRP we know the grand lie of "women being more attracted to emotional men". Cut that shit out, I'm not saying as a man you can never cry, I'm saying why the fuck are you doing it in public over shit that wouldn't make my 5 year old niece cry over? Women also wear the pants in most Indian marriages I've seen. Some muslim marriages are more patriarchal, but usually only in the old country. Once they get to western society these men have absolutely no idea how to control their wives without the state enforcing it. Having weak game factors into this and helps the women take advantage of their weak frame even further.

  • Far too much pride over stupid meaningless things. One of the biggest things I've noticed is how proud and cliquey certain Indian groups are over the dumbest things. It's great to have pride in your history and culture, but don't expect that to transfer to anything of value from the perspective of other people who actually look down on you. Indian men take great pride in excluding whites or other races from social groups that those other races have absolutely no interest of joining in the first place. Exclusion is an extremely beta trait, and so is fear of exploring and trying new things. It would help you more to separate yourself from either this attitude rather than playing into it. Be as white-washed as you can, because if you aren't, you're aligning yourself with a low-value stereotype.

/r/TheRedPill Thread