McDonald’s Employment Boycott shareable media

No offense but how did you get handed all of this privilege and yet still turn out with zero savings working a dead end job? Can I guess the scenario? Was it drugs? We’re you involved in criminal activity and instead of learning the first time you were placed in hot water did you go on and commit more crimes, marring your record and making you unemployable? Did you choose to have risky relations with someone whom you didn’t date for awhile and bring a child into the world which neither of you were prepared for? I feel bad for you but you’ve got to understand, no one made you do these things, you chose to do them. If you want a better life, you need to plan accordingly. It’s not easy but having self-control and discipline will get you farther in life than blaming others for your decisions. Taking accountability and understanding that your actions have consequences would be a great first step to bettering yourself as a whole. We all have to start somewhere, try to learn a skill which will make you a valuable asset to a company and people will pay you more to keep you around. Complaining gets you nowhere.

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