CMV: Refusing to engage with someone who has different views to you is a sign that you don't know what you are talking about

You’re 3rd point is a big one for me. Once I realized I was having the exact same conversations over and over and over I lost what little interest I had left in having them. Pretty much every controversy has well established scripts each side follows, and has prepared responses to each of them which then becomes a normal part of their own script, which then becomes predicted and preempted, and so on. People aren’t actually talking to each other, they’re just talking at each other.

I don’t get what anyone gets out of rehashing the same basic arguments over and over again. It mostly looks like people who enjoy it just enjoy making others frustrated or upset or otherwise feel bad, or enjoy feeling like they’re scoring points against their enemies.

I’ve started telling people “I don’t think we have anything to say each other that we haven’t heard before”.

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