Me(22f) with my fiancé(23m) of 2 years. Is this an abusive relationship? Am I crazy?

Rixon gets VERY angry when he gets mad. He yells and screams very very loud. He throws things, pushes me a bit, mocks/mimics me, storms off, slams doors, and breaks small things. He only gets this way with me. When it happens and I tell him I am hurt he keeps doing this, he always says "GUESS WHY I FUCKING DO THIS." And lays it on me, every time, that it is my fault because I triggered it by whatever I did.

Stopped reading here. Yes. Yes he is abusive. There is nothing to say after that. Fuck that. Heres the thing. People that have grown up in an abusive environment, its easy for us to be desensitized to abuse. I can hear it in the words you type. I dont care what country he is from, I dont give a shit. And people who are abusive LOVE to turn it on you (its called crazy making behavior with a side helping of gaslighting) to make YOU feel like its all your fault, and now you need to be extra good and make it all up to them. They LOVE to make you cower, beg for forgiveness, and take responsibility for their bullshit. It makes them feel strong, powerful, and in control of you, which is after all the point for them. Kick this POS to the curb. Do it now, or when he gets much much more violent, which he is on pace to do. They dont start at day one. They want to pull you in, after all. No one gets into a relationship with someone that beats them up on the first date, do they? They hide that shit. It sneaks out at first. Also, I should point out that they also love LTR. Its easy to lie, manipulate, take time to write up the biggest bullshit to cram down your throat. Thats not to say all LTR are with abusers, of course. I know when we have such horrible childhoods, we just want someone, anyone to love us. Finally. We are loveable, right? We arent throw aways. So we look past the red flags, we make excuses, and we give them the "Benefit of the doubt" which they LOVE. You arent crazy, you arent triggering these things. He is. He is setting this all up to go down just like this. Intentionally. And he knows about your past, so he must be pretty pleased with himself and his control over you. YOU ARE NOT CRAZY. So, stop. It is NOT normal for a man OR a women to lay their hands on you, push you, or any of the other abusive things he is doing. You are worth a million of his low life selfs. Dont doubt your value. He wants to possess you, not love you. So, love yourself and get the hell away from him. And dont give him a chance to wear you down, get to you, manipulate you, and love bomb you into thinking you musta been crazy when you wrote this post. Dont take the bait, and they will say anything, even something to make you angry to bait you into interactions. Check out [the hotline]( Please get rid of this loser. You can do so much better.

/r/relationships Thread