Me 24f with my bf 26m 3years, he's really upset that my Mario Maker levels do better than his and doesn't want me to play anymore.

Some people are better at creating levels some are better at playing them. I suck ass at minecraft but I have genius friends who create calculators and fucking houses and shit. My house is literally a block of bricks in a 5x5 space however, I don't get pissed at them for and stop them from minecrafting just because I'm not as good at it. I'll sit in their world and enjoy what they make and be a part of it. Likewise there are games I am good at like mobas or starcraft more strategy oriented. Your boyfriend sounds like he has some deep seeded insecurities about people being better than him at stuff especially the person being his gf. He must have had some kind of traumatic experience of some sort or his parents didn't raise him in a certain way they should have for him and he learned you can't let a girl be better or some shit who knows. Bottom line is yeah he is a jerk but it's because of something else deeper in his psyche that even he probably doesn't know about. I'd suggest he get help because it's not a normal reaction to be like this but I kind of get why he might be like this. I don't know about a lot of people but for me gaming was my way of escaping my depression and to prove to myself I was good at something. My Dad always talked down to me in real life but in the gaming world I could be anyone I wanted and be praised and told I was good because my ranks told me so and my teammates told me so. I understand everything now but if someone had tried to take it away from me back then I might have flipped out. Dunno about a gf being better but maybe a gf telling me i'm shit or saying you need to stop playing as much might trigger me. Anyways try to figure it out with him and if it doesn't work and he gets all mad and everything then you might have to re evaluate things

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