California court rules that stalking is not protected free speech, upholds conviction for stalker's "relentless, decade-long pursuit of a young woman". Rules that threat of violence is not required, only behavior "that would frighten an ordinary person." Stalker's lawyer may appeal to Supreme Court.

I just can't help but to see this as a shining example of what is so grotesquely wrong with our legal system, culture and values. And I understand that this is poised to a landmark case that redefines and updates old laws designed for a "pre-internet" age. I understand there are many people who find their lives to be a living nightmare because of certain loopholes and inadequacies.

But lets stand back and examine the mindset that so commonly is used. A young man struggles with a mild mental disorder that while it may seem extreme and dangerous. It remains important to realize that in teenage years the mind has a tremendous ability to reshape mentally distressed youth into perfectly healthy people with less chance of relapse than people who have never experienced such disorders.

Rather than getting him into a program that is legitimately enjoyable for the patient and structured in a way to discourage the negative behavior and encourage other more positive traits. This can be as simple as a summer backpacking through Yellowstone with at least one trained and qualified psychologist to monitor the patient.

The man was 26 in the article so yes not a teenager, but that doesn't somehow completely dismiss my point here so have some imagination.

Now instead this is becoming an EXTREMELY expensive legal battle, the man never got proper treatment. The only focus seems to be about punishing this guy or restricting his freedom in some way or to burden him financially. When its all said and done he's gonna keep doing the same thing... BECAUSE ITS ALL HE KNOWS. This is why you have to fix people. You wouldn't fix your flat tire by passing a law that makes it illegal for cars to have a flat under and circumstances and to designate physical punishment as a consequence for not following the law. Then ultimately and laughably so you find yourself whipping frantically the side of your car instead of just fixing the flat tire.

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