meaning of:Sent/Dispo Reset - Party (001) maricopa county AZ

Disposition Information Party Name ARSCode Description Crime Date Disposition Code Disposition Date name 13-1403A1 (F5) PUBLIC SEXUAL INDEC-CONTACT 3/25/2015 Dismissed Due To Grand Jury Indictment Dismissed Due To Grand Jury Indictment 4/6/2015

name 13-1406A (F2) SEXUAL ASSAULT 3/25/2015 Dismissed Due To Grand Jury Indictment Dismissed Due To Grand Jury Indictment 4/6/2015

name 13-1406A (F2) SEXUAL ASSAULT 3/25/2015 Dismissed Due To Grand Jury Indictment Dismissed Due To Grand Jury Indictment 4/6/2015

name 13-1204A2 (F3) AGG ASLT-DEADLY WPN/DANG INST 3/25/2015 Dismissed Due To Grand Jury Indictment Dismissed Due To Grand Jury Indictment 4/6/2015

name 13-1304A3 (F2) KIDNAP-DEATH/INJ/SEX/AID FEL 3/25/2015 Dismissed Due To Grand Jury Indictment Dismissed Due To Grand Jury Indictment 4/6/2015

name 13-1304 (F2) KIDNAP 3/25/2015 Pled Guilty As Charged Pled Guilty As Charged 8/10/2015

name 13-1406 (F3) SEXUAL ASSAULT 3/25/2015 Pled to Reduced Charge Pled Guilty To Reduced Charge
name 13-1406 (F3) SEXUAL ASSAULT 3/25/2015 Pled to Reduced Charge Pled Guilty To Reduced Charge
name 13-1204A2 (F3) AGG ASLT-DEADLY WPN/DANG INST 3/25/2015

name 13-1403A1 (F5) PUBLIC SEXUAL INDEC-CONTACT 3/25/2015

name 13-2910A9 (F6) ANIMAL-INTENTL CRUEL MISTREAT 3/25/2015

Case Documents Filing Date Description Docket Date Filing Party 9/24/2015 169 - ME: Sent/Dispo Reset - Party (001) 9/24/2015

9/9/2015 SME – Sentencing Memo - Party (001) 9/10/2015

NOTE: Defendants Sentencing Memorandum 8/13/2015 105 - ME: Plea Agreement/Change Of Plea - Party (001) 8/13/2015

8/10/2015 PAG - Plea Agreement - Party (001) 8/10/2015

8/5/2015 598 - ME: Continuance Past last Day - Party (001) 8/5/2015

7/23/2015 003 - ME: Hearing Reset - Party (001) 7/23/2015

6/26/2015 027 - ME: Pretrial Conference - Party (001) 6/26/2015

6/25/2015 STA - Statement - Party (001) 6/29/2015

NOTE: COMPREHENSIVE PRETRIAL CONFERENCE/ 6/10/2015 DAR - Notice of Disclosure and Request for Disclosure - Party (001) 6/10/2015

NOTE: STATE’S NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE AND REQUEST FOR DISCLOSURE 6/9/2015 194 : Me: Initial Pretrial Conference - Party (001) 6/9/2015

6/9/2015 RTR - Return Receipt For Official Court Files/Transcripts/Exhibits - Party (001) 6/12/2015

6/2/2015 RRF - Release Receipt For Official Court Files/Transcripts/Exhibits - Party (001) 6/12/2015

6/2/2015 NOT - Notice - Party (001) 6/3/2015

NOTE: NOTICE OF DEFENSES, WITNESSES AND EXHIBITS 6/2/2015 OFT - Order for Temporary Removal of Court File/Transcripts/Exhibits - Party (001) 6/12/2015

6/2/2015 MTR - Motion for Temporary Removal Of Court File/Transcripts/Exhibit - Party (001) 6/12/2015

4/30/2015 152 - ME: Not Guilty Plea Arraign - Party (001) 4/30/2015

4/24/2015 GJT – Grand Jury Transcript - Party (001) 4/27/2015

4/13/2015 RON – Release Order No Bond - Party (001) 4/13/2015

NOTE: Not Bailable As A Matter of Right 4/10/2015 002 - ME: Hearing Vacated - Party (001) 4/10/2015

4/3/2015 NSI - Notice of Supervening Indictment - Party (001) 4/6/2015
Plaintiff (1)
4/3/2015 606 - ME: GJ Not/Supervening Indictment - Party (001) 4/6/2015

4/3/2015 IND - Indictment - Party (001) 4/6/2015
Plaintiff (1)
4/3/2015 NOT - Notice - Party (001) 4/6/2015

NOTE: RULE 2.3 VICTIM IDENTIFIER INFORMATION FORM 3/31/2015 ROC– Release Order/Order Regarding Counsel - Party (001) 3/31/2015

NOTE: IA Release Order 3/31/2015 IAD - Initial Appearance Document - Party (001) 3/31/2015

NOTE: IA Packet 3/31/2015 DCO - Direct Complaint - Party (001) 3/31/2015

3/31/2015 NAR - Notice Of Appearance - Party (001) 3/31/2015

NOTE: NOTICE OF APPEARANCE 3/31/2015 NOT - Notice - Party (001) 4/1/2015

NOTE: RULE 2.3 VICTIM IDENTIFIER INFORMATION FORM Case Calendar Date Time Event 3/27/2015 14:00 Initial Appearance
4/2/2015 8:30 Status Conference
4/6/2015 8:45 Preliminary Hearing
4/13/2015 8:30 Original Arraignment Hearing
5/29/2015 8:15 Initial Pretrial Conference
6/25/2015 8:30 Comprehensive PreTrial Conference
8/3/2015 8:30 Pre-Trial Conference
8/4/2015 8:30 Pre-Trial Conference
8/10/2015 8:00 Trial
8/10/2015 8:30 Status Conference
9/10/2015 8:30 Sentencing
9/14/2015 8:30 Pre-Trial Conference
9/21/2015 8:00 Trial
10/8/2015 8:30 Sentencing

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