Meanwhile Mercy mains in Masters/GM

All the recent buffs to Mercy have made her that much more forgiving of a character. It used to be that a good Mercy needed to really watch her positioning and have good gamesense.

Now, her buff to self-heal, combined with her short cool down on GA, she can easily escape out of bad positioning spots. And you're back to full health in a second.

The res invincibility also means that she no longer has to basically always sacrifice herself. And she can use it to res people if she's caught in a bad spot and escape because Mercy gets res incredibly fast anyways.

Pharmercy is also a very very strong combo right now. You can easily climb through plat going Pharmercy like 90% of the time as a duo.

I'm in Masters and I've noticed so so so many new Mercy one-tricks that we're in like plat for several seasons before the recent buffs. I have the most hours on Tracer this season because of this crap. Luckily, a lot of these Mercy one-tricks are very predictable.

Res metas are still so annoying to play with. Searching every nook and cranny for the person crouching before or during a fight sucks. And I cannot tell you how many times I've killed a Mercy first, our team wipes them, and Mercy casually respawns, flies in, and res's. Hell, on some maps, she can res from spawn and there's no way to counter it.

It's like the game rewards these Mercy players for poor positioning and getting picked first..

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