Meet the 35 year old ex-sex worker who now wants the white picket-fence life!! And also wants to recalibrate who she's attracted to because the guys she finds attractive don't find her attractive, and wants a "professional, clean cut" guy unlike the "lazy assholes" her friends ended up with.

Ok, so yes there are increased risks of certain things like Downs/ trisomies etc, the risk doesn’t actually increase by very much. There is this misguided belief that a woman’s eggs instantly “go bad” at 35 and any child conceived after that age is guaranteed to be born physically deformed and mentally disabled. This is simply not the case. If you have what they call a “geriatric” pregnancy (ugh, that term is a whole other thing) they monitor the baby carefully, run tests etc and by the time you hit 20 weeks almost all pregnancies they know if there is anything abnormal. Heck, my cousin was 41 when she had her first. Women are having babies later, it’s just the way things are.

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