Meet the Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus supporting Trump

You've got a very shallow understanding of it all. Thanks for the sob story about the two young boys. You're ignoring of course that in almost the same period the Vatican ordered the death sentence to all Anabaptists; men women and children all burned and drowned, beheaded if they were lucky. Tens of thousands of put to death just for their religious belief in Europe at the same time these two boys dealt with their own persecution. It's quite strange that critiques of Islam as a death cult or whatever point to history while the same was going on everywhere else in the world and on a far worse scale. At least in Muslim Lands, other religious minorities were generally granted protection so long as they paid jizya. Caliphates weren't egalitarian, but they were indisputably better than what was going on elsewhere in the same period. That's why the Muslim World was still 20% Christian by 1900. Persecution happened, but at least the muslim world introduced laws to grant them their own autonomy and protection where Christians never did the same for muslims. Al-Baqara 256 'There is no compulsion in religion.' This is taught by most muslim scholars and it means religion cannot be forced. This is what most muslims sects teach I believe.

Islam was an improvement from what existed beforehand. The Middle East was far more violent with tribes and towns in constant warfare. Islam provided a new unifying identity, with old tribal identities blurred and people united by something in common. The mosque has been central to education and provided a safety net to the poor for generations because there was no such thing as government unemployment benefits and public schooling etc. Islam has been the source for countless atrocities I know, so has every religion. but it's been a net positive for the people of the Middle East.

As for your criticisms of Muhammad and the Koran. It really isn't much different to the other books, just reiterating the same things and adds a few innovations. It actually has less violence in it than the Bible.

Your comparison of nazism is laughable. If you have any questions about Islamic history we can discuss it, I have read some books, which is more than the internet blogs you've read I think.

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