Megathread: Donald Trump Jr. Releases Correspondence from Russian Lawyer

I guess the Russian government really didn't have the emails, then. The DNC hacks were already complete by June. The last emails dated from May, and the DNC was already aware of the intrusion by April. This meeting was not about the DNC emails, it was about HRC's dealings with the Russian government.

Sort of screws up part of the narrative, namely that the Russian government is behind the DNC hacks (or that Trump colluded to hack the emails).

Here's some copypasta relating to the DNC hack timeline:

"Cozy Bear" had access to DNC systems since the summer of 2015; and "Fancy Bear", since April 2016. There was no evidence of collaboration or knowledge of the other's presence within the system. Rather, the "two Russian espionage groups compromised the same systems and engaged separately in the theft of identical credentials".[4][24][26] "Cozy Bear" employed the "Sea Daddy" implant and a "Power Shell" backdoor launching malicious code enabled at various times and in various DNC systems. "Fancy Bear" employed X Agent malware which enabled distant command execution, transmissions of files and keylogging, as well as the "X-Tunnel" malware.

DNC leaders became aware of the compromise in April 2016.

/r/politics Thread