Megathread: Elizabeth Warren to Suspend Presidential Campaign

a) I'm sure he will because he, unlike a lot of y'all realizes that he is going to have to get people to who support him who are problematic, who are capitalists, who have said bad things about him or even wronged him in the past, who are neoliberal, etc etc in order to get elected.

b) Traitors to what exactly? I've been a Bernie supporter since the mid 2000's when him, Kucinich, and Gravel were the only folks talking sense in Washington and am probably ideologically to the left of all of you but y'all are acting like people have to pledge fealty to him or something. Having attended Occupy rallies and listened to their strange meetings I came to theorize that the core of American leftist populism is a honestly bunch of overwhelmingly white male weirdos who don't really know how to discuss their often correct political positions with people who disagree with them.

The fact that y'all are treating supporting a candidate like it's the Civil Rights movement and actively alienating so many potential allies for disagreeing with you is testament to that fact and quite worrisome for me as a person of color who desperately needs Bernie as president for my own safety and that of my community.

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