Meltzer's ratings for Takeover Toronto and Survivor Series

The argument is not "should meltzer do it" he has every right to. His ratings are his. Etc. Every single one of those talking points has been repeated ad nauseum.

The question is why so many wrestling fans put so much stock into his ratings, when they are clearly so subjective, and often display broken logical patterns like this one. Generally, meltzer talks and writes too much to not draw his ratings into question. He can't help but be overly hyperbolic at times or couching his own ratings and justifying him. He notoriously gives Hogan Austin a negative rating yet seems Goldberg-Lesnar isn't worth a rating?

I think most people that present any argument against Meltzer are quite aware of his subjectivity it's that his most devout defenders never seem to recognize it or acknowledge it that's a real issue amongst wrestling fans. Meltzer has the power to sway opinion because we give it to him. He works hard, but his view of pro wrestling is way too myopic for him to be such a trendsetter.

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