Men of reddit, why do you enjoy being dominant (if you do)?

its been a while since i've been a dom, but i like it because its consensually violent.

There's a part of me that craves violence. Not harmful, but its like an itch. So, I am also fan of martial arts, bc its a disciplined form of violence that is comparable to dominant sex-in a way.

If you've ever watched college wrestling, you might ask yourself if those athletes ever use their positions in bed, the answer is yes. Although, I wrestled in highschool (similar techniques) and the amount of pussy it got me still surprises me. Bc I'll mention it (years later) and women still want to find out what its like. But they all absolutely loved when i got rough.

Similar things could be said about Jiu-Jitsu. I've never formally practiced, but i had friends who did, and learned some myself from watching fights. I think it was made to actually combat sexual assault, not sure.

/r/sex Thread