Men of reddit, what problem do men have that you wish women understood more?

My bf finds it hard to be emotionally open even after four years together. I've only seen him cry twice in all this time, and he's seen me cry a lot because I struggled with depression for around 8 years. We've talked a lot about how society made him think that he needs to be strong and basically emotionless/keep everything to himself but fuck that, man. If he's feeling bad about his body because he is not the muscly macho man stereotype media told him he had to be, I want to be there for him (because he's beautiful no matter what to me) if he feels sad or frustrated, I want to comfort him and talk as much as he needs as he did countless times with me. We've been working on expressing these things to each other and it's the best thing you can do so a relationship thrives on mutual support. I'd say keeping things to yourself sucks because I've been there and yes, there are girls that expect you to follow those specific insane requirements you mentioned, but there are also good ones out there

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