Men socialize by insulting each other, but they don’t mean it. Women socialize by complimenting each other, and they don’t mean it either

I don't know about that... It's possible that I'm not a "typical female" but it's also possible (and far more likely) that this sort of gender stereotyping is not only untrue, but unfunny. It's the same insipid, drawn out, idiotic middle school humor. Har har women are insincere bitches and men are jovial, lovable psueod-jerkbags. I disagree with both of these assessments.

I think joking about people's real or perceived insecurities is a good way to desensitize a person to them. Regardless of whether or not a friend of mine (male or female) is insecure or accepting of a real or perceived "flaw" or characteristic, we all tease them mercilessly because of it, and it's out of love just as much as it is out of humor.

Since most of my friends aren't heteronormative, there are a lot of gay jokes that get thrown around. It's a way to communicate that these things just don't matter, that you shouldn't give words the power to hurt you at all, and that using derogatory terms in a friendly environment rather than a dark one can help you deconstruct what used to feel harmful or powerful about them. Or maybe it just gets you accustomed to yourself so that you're not so weird about things that make you different.

Friend is sick? "Probably AIDS, you gay fuck." Friend is poor? "Jesus, pull yourself up by your bootstraps you lazy, welfare collecting, bottom feeder!" Friend is depressed? "HAVE YOU TRIED JUST FEELING BETTER? Just kidding, what can we do to help you out man?"

Obviously it's not this way with all people, but I have not noticed any difference between the receptiveness of this sort of talk between men OR women. Though I have noticed that women in general might be less socially conditioned to accept it or understand it, but that also varies widely from person to person, culture to culture, and friend to friend.

/r/Showerthoughts Thread