Mentoring Thread: Patch 9.1

Dear RekNYNE,

I am a platinum Draven Player. I have peaked diamond 2 seasons ago and I am now trying to get back there (because I myself am trying to get into coaching, and I need to prove I'm not completely useless)

In preseason, I have climbed to platinum 1 promo, but fallen down to plat 4 0lp within a single, horrifying week.

So, I have a rough idea of where my problems lie; apart from obvious mental due to focus on not losing more LP, I have problems influencing the game even when I am playing well (I had lots of losses with really good scores), I have problems closing out games quickly even when the rest of my team is ahead (especially important for a Draven player), and I struggle with some very specific mechanics (Reaction times, minion block, losing track of enemy engage spells in team fights)

Here is my request: I would like to record a game of mine where I try my very hardest and talk about my thought process and decision making while in game, so you can see exactly what may be missing. Hopefully, you can give me a pointer up on what the 1-3 most important things are for me to focus on.

How about it?

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