Message to Raid Leaders (And a farewell to FFXIV)

I feel as though I should comment on this as I was your ex-raid leader and while you are extremely bitter a lot of these advice you have put forward only work if and only if you have done everything you can as a member of the group as well.

I was extremely gentle in how I handled the groups opinion of you and also spoke to everyone to give you time. yes the group had a rocky start but your own attitude made you a questionable member.

You were searching for another group from the very start and I even approached you and told you if you would like to leave the group or would like to change server I won't mind and I will reimburse the cost of the transfer. Your search for another group didn't stop even after couple of weeks. I was aware you were searching for another group on PF and on reddit using another account.

This alone made the other raid members not trust you. It also did not help when it was raid time I had to buy or craft food for you. You were on your alt on a different server and made little attempt to speak to any of the raid members. I had to prompt you several time as you'd randomly go AFK or seem to not respond at all. Then there were last minute cancellations without any heads up, leaving 15min before raid is over or questionable reasons as to why you were unavailable.

The matter of group banter is something you failed to grasp. There were people in the group getting frustrated as we wiped and the banter was a means to alleviate the stress. Though we did sometimes get carried away, it helped make the evening a lot more enjoyable and was fun. Unfortunately you were the only one that really didn't want to raid most of the time nor were you able to appreciate what we were aiming for. The group is still very young and having raid members comfortable with each other is more important then just going to clears.

I made it clear from the start that my aim was to work on building up a group for 3.2. I gave everyone in the group chances to improve on their own, even discussed how they could improve things as well. But it was up to each member of the group to find the best style to suit themselves not expect to be told what they need to do. This is very important because when 3.2 raid is available there will be no guides for us to fall back on. Our ability to play as a group and our individual ability to decide what each of us can do to help the group will be all.

You personally set the bar really high for yourself. I took your confidence as a sign of someone who is reliable but i was mistaken. I have had the privilege of teaming with exceptionally skilled co-healers and healers who made things a lot more challenging. It was clear you were thought highly of yourself but stuff you claimed you understood took you several attempts to demonstrate and at times questionable if you actually did understand.

I did have one moment where I lost my temper and I did approach you as a friend and told you i need to vent to someone. This is something you also didn't fully grasp since you mainly raided with us and then disappeared. Yes i was out of line and I owned up to my group and apologised for loosing decorum but I am human not a machine. I thought a friend will understand, sadly that was not the case.

From your point of view it may all seem unfair and a lot of people who are told they are replaced will say the same. But you do not see how all of your actions put you in a difficult position. It was always a question of weather you'll turn up for raid or not.

We had a WhatsApp group mainly to let each other know if any of us may be late. It was not a platform to discuss strategies. We carried that out in game before, after and during non raid days. Unfortunately it seems you misunderstood our method. An example of how distant you really were from everyone else. I tried to integrate with us more but you burned your bridges with everyone else and did little to rebuild them.

I wanted a healer I can depend on and vice versa. I wanted a healer who the group could depend on and vice versa but in this case you were not that person. I do not want to tell someone what they need to do, how to do it or be a bridge between them and the rest of the group. That is something everyone is expected to do one their own.

It is easy to nitpick and suggest how to make things better when you do not have the full picture.

Originally I was really torn in replacing you as a member of the group but it seems you were only interested in what suit you.

/r/ffxiv Thread