[META] The gender divide and erasure of the female voice

Interesting. So you saw my post as in opposition to your post?

I'm sure being told "no" once by one woman is "a bother", just as it's a bother to have to wade through poorly written responses, dick pics, and a slew of people chastising you in manners from passive aggressive to stalking and harassment for having the audacity to say no.

I am going to see this as somehow misreading what I wrote, instead of the personal attack that it comes across as. I was saying simply that some see this as a place to escape from real life and so to have to deal with the same real life bullshit here is quite shitty. It seems perhaps I should use fluffier language.

And you don't see that as a problem? It's a problem in real life, it's a problem here, it needs to be stopped in both places and saying that "that's life" is not an excuse.

I do see that as a problem...as I noted...i think?

In any case, the major issue is that forums and subreddits and other such sites all over the internet wish they could somehow reign in the dickery and make people realize that they should just be fucking nice to each other. Because the world is better when people aren't asshats.

The problem is the anonymity of the internet. People will be dicks because they don't care when they log off and move on to what they care about in real life. All the while not realizing the hurt that they do to the people having to deal with their online bullshit.

I don't wish that crap on anyone, especially not to the people of this community. I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said. While my post was harsh and to the point, I still only want people to stop being dicks to each other.

The one comment I made about the top female posters already has me being downvoted into oblivion yet I will leave it there as it makes a valid point. (Well, until I delete it like I do everything on this account).

It would be nice if people put their personal feelings aside and made DPP a better place by treating each other with the respect and kindness that every human being deserves.

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